
High Grade Casting, high strength iron.
More resistant to deflection than steel.
Clutch and Brake

Heavy-duty, low inertia clutch and brake assembly, Extremely low noise level and long operating life with minimum maintenance.
Knock-Out System

Standard on all presses. Complete system - not just provision for adding later.

Oversized adjustable stroke crankshaft is forged from Specially Alloy steel. Its shape, dimensions and wide radii eliminate stress concentrations and metal fatigue.
Die Height Adjustment

Standard on all presses is a manually die height adjustment assembly. Management keyed lock prevents unauthorized adjustment.
Main Gear

Single reduction helical gear runs in an oil bath for constant lubrication and noiseless operation.
Hydraulic Overload Protector

Built into the slide and designed to limit capacity at any time during an overload condition. Extremely fast acting and adjustable. Protects press from overload damage and allows for the safe use of smaller capacity tooling.
Drive Layout

The larger main gear and flywheel enable a press to generate more power and energy at a much lower flywheel speed. Since the clutch and brake assembly is separate from the gears, both are more accessible for easier maintenance. Bronze bushings on each side of the crankshaft and connecting rod balance the reactions to the frame. Both ends of the flywheel shaft are supported by heavy duty roller bearings.

Are supported on all corners by a six (6) point gibbing system. Two back corners have four (4) point right angle gibs, while the front corner have 45 degree gibs to fully support the slide to fully support the slide on all sides.
Adjustable Pneumatic Die Cushion

Externally-guided pneumatic die cushion with double chamber construction. Maximum tonnage with minimal space. Easy to mount and no maintenance. Tonnage is full adjustable.
Motorized Die Height Adjustment

Die height adjustment assembly within the slide is powered by rugged, shock resistant motor. Management keyed lock prevents unauthorized adjustment. Connection threads are constantly bathed in oil to prevent contamination.

The heavy rigid frame is constructed with extra thick premium quality, hot rolled steel plate. Each plate is beveled on all abutment edges in order to produce full penetration welds. The entire fabricated structure is stress relieved. The side frames are reinforced by two extra thick and deep gussets to form a tripld lamination on both sides of the top and bottom of the gap.